Tuesday, December 31, 2002

Merry Christmas - 2002

Well, this year has flown by even faster than the last and the kids seem to have doubled in size. Tarrant is almost as tall as Dale, and actually managed to beat him running during football practice once or twice. This of course was due to Dale being
a little off colour and will never happen again. Elliot is entering a growth spurt and is eating like a horse (the nosebag actually helps improve his table manners). Eleanor’s feet drag on the floor when you pick her up and Dale has put in place a strict dress code to control the occasional attacks of Brittinyspearitus.

We have not strayed far from Atlanta this year with the economy in such a shambles. Arlene did spend a few days with her friends in New York, which she enjoyed a lot, visiting museums, seeing Broadway shows and sampling local (or international)
cuisine. She has been spending quite a bit of time volunteering at school, helping with educational programs and fund raising events.

Dale is now working for a new Atlanta based company that requires a lot less travel which is nice, although he does tend to get under Arlene’s feet at home from time to time.

The big family project this year was building a little wooden sailboat for Tarrant, which resulted in three tons of sawdust evenly distributed throughout the house. Tarrant and Dale spent a solid week getting it started, with Eleanor and Elliot pitching in on various tasks such as planking, gluing and mast making. Dale’s Mum and Dad (Derek and Sheila) visited from the UK, so with Grampy’s help, three generations of Newnhams were involved in the building process.

The pictures were taken on St George Island, which we visited with Nan & Grampy. Nan painted seascapes while Grampy played with the kids on the beach and took multiple pictures of Tarrant sailing as near to the dolphins as he could get (without Dale losing even more hair!).

Tarrant is now in high school and has joined the school marching band, which is quite intense, with lots of training and competitions. The band is traveling to an event (The Rose Bowl) in California over the New Year, so Dale and Arlene will be losing their baby, which will be hard. Tarrant of course is looking forward to getting away and spending time with his friends and is planning to visit and play in the parade at Disneyland.

Elliot is in middle school, has started to play the Cello and just played at his first recital. He clapped himself after the performance which got more than a few laughs (something that he enjoys and is quite good at). Elliot also had a fun Football (Soccer) season where he plays sweeper while joking with the opposition.
Eleanor enjoys her ballet, tap and Jazz dancing and is quite focused at school. She is a bundle of fun and the center of attention at any event. She is enjoying playing with her cousin Misha who is visiting from England with Martin, Anita and her brother Hari.

Love and best wishes to all from the Newnham’s